Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What are Fat Soluble Vitamins and Why do We Need Them?

Fat soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and K dissolve in fat and absorbed from the small intestines. Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues. These vitamins stored for a long period of time unlike water soluble vitamins such vitamins B-complex and C.

Taking too much fat soluble vitamins can pose a risk for toxicity. With a well-balanced diet you don’t need these vitamin supplements. Your body only needs a small amount of these vitamins.

Vitamin A

·         Helps to form skin and mucus membranes and keep them healthy, increase the resistance to infections, essential for night vision, promotes bones and tooth development and it may protect against cancer;
·         Good sources are dairy products, fish, liver and fruit and vegetables such as apricot, carrots, pumpkin, dark green leafy vegetables ;

  • Promotes hardening of bones and teeth, increases the absorption of calcium;
  • Primary sources are milk and other dairy products, fish such as herring, salmon and sardines, cod liver oil; We also obtain vitamin D through our skin from sunlight;

Vitamin E

  • Protects vitamins A and C and fatty acids, prevents damage to cell membranes, antioxidant;
  • Good sources are vegetable oil, margarine, butter, green and leafy vegetables, wheat germ, whole grain products, nuts, egg yolk, liver;

Vitamin K

  • Helps blood to clot;
  • Good sources are dark green leafy vegetables, liver and also made by bacteria in the intestine;

Eating well-balanced diet will not lead to toxicity.

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