Monday, November 1, 2010

Things Not to Do When Trying to Lose Weight

Starting a diet is not an easy decision. There are so many diets to choose from. Here is a list of things you shouldn't if you want to succeed in losing weight.

Don't choose the toughest diet you can find. Many people suddenly decide that they want to lose weight fast. They choose a very strict diet and they fail. Don't rush into a diet that may be too strict for you.

Don't lose touch with reality. Don't expect that those things will happen overnight. When you set your weight goal, start small and plan for long-term. Don't try to lose weight too fast, be realistic.

Don't go to the gym too often. It's a common mistake lot of people make. They start to go to the gym every day. This won't help you at all. Your body needs time to get used to the workout. Besides, a week of non-stop training could never offset ten or more years of couch potato lifestyle.

Don't get hard on calories. Cutting down on calories is part of all diets, but you have to be careful about it. If you cut down too many calories soon your body will start storing anything it possible can. This won't result in weight loss.

Don't skip meals. Some people think that skipping meals is a good way to lose weight. Dieting is about eating the right food and not starving yourself.

Don't check the bathroom scale everyday. Most of us want to see immediate results, but you shouldn't let this drive you to checking your weight everyday. The daily fluctuation of weight can be depressing and you will quit dieting.

Don't let emotions drive you. I you know you are used to reach out for ice-cream, snacks out of boredom, frustration or anger then you should deal with these issues. Your emotions shouldn't come between you and your diet.

Don't refuse to ask for help. If you need advice or help, don't hesitate to ask someone with more experience. Don't try to solve all problems by yourself. Join a weight loss forum where you can share your weight loss progress.

Don't deny yourself your favorite foods. Treats are great, they can help your willpower and determination. Eat what you really enjoy every once in a while. They will make no difference in the long run if they are not frequent

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