Friday, October 22, 2010

Do I Accept Aging?

Every morning I have a half an hour commute to work. I live in the Philadelphia suburbs and luckily the traffic is great in my direction. It's a very relaxing half an hour. This is my favorite time to think about different things about myself, my family. These thoughts sometimes are very philosophical. Sometimes I put my life or part of my life under the microscope. Recently I was thinking about getting older.

I am 47 and I realized I am not young anymore even though I often feel very young in my heart. I see a lot of people in denial in my age. They want to stay young forever in our age-biased time. I am not one of them and I think that doing childish things and acting like teenagers doesn't make you younger. Aging is like a bottle of wine. I think I got wiser as I got older. I am making smarter decisions now.

There are certain things you can only have once you are in my age and I am very grateful for those things. I am not talking about material things, I am talking about things you cannot replace. My 20 plus year marriage to my lovely wife Debra is one them. Another one is seeing my boys, Max and Nick growing up. I am grateful that I spent most of my weekends watching their soccer or baseball games from the sideline.

I accept my age but I know that I am responsible to take a good care of myself. I not only do this for myself, but also for my family. I listen to my doctors and try to keep a healthy diet with a moderate exercise. I don't smoke and I only drink with moderation. I enjoy myself now and I want to enjoy life 30 years from now too with my grandchildren.

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