Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baby Aspirin May Lower Colorectal Cancer Risk

Colorectal or colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United Sates. It affects both men and women and almost always it starts in a benign growth also called polyp. A polyp may be visible during a popular screening test known as colonoscopy. Early diagnosis often leads to a complete cure.

There is no single cause of colon cancer. There is an increased risk if you are over 60, if you are African American or Eastern European.You may get colon cancer if you have cancer elsewhere in your body or you have family history of colon cancer. Diet high in red processed meat and  low-fiber diet may increase colon cancer too. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are other risk factors for colon cancer.

The symptoms of colon cancer could be abdominal pain, change in bowel habit, unexplained anemia, blood in stool and weight with no known reason.

Recent studies found that  taking low dose aspirin daily may reduce colon cancer risk by 24 percent and the risk of dying from colon cancer by 35 percent. The low dose or baby aspirin has other benefits too.  It prevents heart attacks and strokes. You shouldn't start taking low dose aspirin daily without consulting your doctor.

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