When you are trying to lose weight you have to carefully watch your diet. There some ingredients in your food you should avoid, like sodium, fats, cholesterol and very importantly sugar. If seems that sugar is a healthy food, because it has zero fat, provides your body with instant energy and makes food taste good. The truth is that sugar can make you fat.
Sugar is the main ingredient of many food products and drinks. Sugar is disguised as carbohydrates. Some of these products are rice, bread, pasta, milk and even beer. When you ear these foods your body will digest the sugar into your bloodstream in the form of glucose. One slice of bread has the same amount of glucose as 4 tablespoon sugar. The more sugar you eat the longer your body wants to store fat.
Researchers has found that by keeping your blood glucose level low will help decrease your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. If you follow some simple tips you can decrease your health risk and you can lose some fat.
- Although granola bars are popular you should read the label and find the health bars with the least amount of sugar.
- Use vinaigrette on your salad. The acid in the vinegar helps to break down the glucose in your food. Vinegar can cut your glucose level by 23%. So put some extra pickles on your salad or sandwich.
- Eat caffeine friendly foods. Caffeine has been known to increase the rate your body burns up fat. So if you really need your favorite cup of coffee in the morning drink it, but skip the bagel and doughnuts and eat some eggs and fruits for breakfast.
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